Caliber Intelligence Quotient Test

An Intelligence Quotient or IQ as it is popularly known as is a sum total of score derived from several standardized tests. These tests are designed to assess human intelligence. The abbreviation IQ was coined by famous German Psychologist Dr. William Stern, Professor, University of Berlin. He was the inventor of the now famous IQ Tests. His work was later used by Dr. Alfred Binet to further research in the field of human intelligence.

The basic difference between an Innate Analysis Test designed to identify your Multiple Intelligence and the Caliber Intelligence Quotient Test (CIQT) designed to unravel your current caliber is that the latter refers to what you currently possess based on your years of academic education & upbringing and the other refers to your inborn natural talent. The practical purpose of undergoing a Caliber Intelligence Quotient Test (CIQT) is to co-relate your current capabilities with corresponding career choices, which are derived from the Henmon Nelson Grid and the Stanford Binet Intelligence Scale. At Brain Checker each report is generated using manual and system integrated techniques under the guidance of a team of trained psychologists. This ensures that each report is analyzed by experts to ensure quality of report.

For Ages 13+

Can also be conducted online.

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